Ulf was previously the General Counsel of an international multi-family office/asset manager. He was in charge of all legal, regulatory and compliance aspects of its asset & wealth management as well as family office business – including fund structuring, the investment management platform, the family office mandates and its M&A business division. He served as a board member on various funds. Prior to that, Ulf worked for Vontobel Asset Management. Before Vontobel, Ulf worked as Legal Counsel for Capital Dynamics. He started his career as an attorney-at-law in the Munich office of Clifford Chance with a focus on private equity transactions. Ulf frequently acts as an editor & author of various law books, journals and articles as well as a speaker on financial market regulatory topics. He is an associate lecturer at the University of Liechtenstein and was a research visiting fellow at UNSW, Sydney/Australia. Ulf holds a Dr. iur. (doctorate in law) from University of Mannheim and he is a German qualified lawyer (Ass. iur.).
Ulf speaks English, German, and French.
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